HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa working to build bridges across societies. Catch up on our latest global initiatives in…
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa met with the Saudi-French Parliamentary Friendship Committee in Paris
Responsible Leaders in both the majority & minority must embrace diversity and put the interests of their…
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa stood with prominent Muslim, Jewish and Christian leaders to sign a historic MOU
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa announced a $5 million donation for the victims of the Easter
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa stood with prominent Muslim, Jewish and Christian leaders to sign a historic MOU,…
speaking on the urgent need to combat all forms of hatred, violence & racism
Last week in Jeddah, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa met with representatives of the U.S. evangelical community to…
Alissa singed the historic MOU that was signed by prominent
In conclusion of today's Paris International Conference for Peaceand Solidarity
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa said this historic MOU reflects the gathering of different religions in an agreement…
The Muslim WorldL eague's conferences are those of peace & understanding
President of Fond Islam FR , concluded the Paris International Conference for Peaceand Solidarity: "What…
Recognizing diversity of religious practices is still a challenge in many countries. We should understand the…
Young people are the future of our society
Identity and Otherness in Faith
"The culture that emanates from religions, their symbolic treasures and their works of art, must be…
Enriching discussion at the Paris International Conference