HE the SG met this afternoon the Austrian Ambassador Mr. Gregor W. Kessler. Topics of common interest were…
HE the SG received today HE Deputy Minister of the Malaysian Council of Ministers Senator Dr. Ashraf Wajdi…
HE the SG met this afternoon the Swiss Ambassador to the Kingdon Mr. Heinrich Schellenberg. They discussed…
His Excellency the SG met HE the SG of the European Islamic Conference Dr. Mohammad Bechari.
His Excellency the SG met this afternoon the Italian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Mr. Luca Viali…
HE the MWL's Secretary General met this afternoon South Africa's Ambassador to the Kingdom Mr. Saad…
HE the MWL's Secretary General met this morning the Dutch Ambassador to the Kingdom Mr. Joost Reintjes.…
His Excellency the MWL's SG meets His Excellency Kosovo's Foreign Minister Mr. Enver Hoxhaj in…
HE the SG received this morning HE the Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the Kingdom.
HE the SG met this morning the Swedish Ambassador to the Kingdom.
HE the SG met last night a German High-Ranking delegation in a broad dialogue on a number of topics raised on…
HE the SG met the European Ambassador to the Kingdom & some Arab countries. The meeting tackled several…
HE the SG met the German Ambassador to the Kingdom. The meeting addressed a number of topics of common…
The S.G. received in his office in Riyadh the Irish ambassador to the KSA, Mr. Tony Cotter
The S.G. received in his office in Riyadh the Irish ambassador to the KSA, Mr. Tony Cotter. They discussed…
His Excellency the Secretary General of the Muslim World League receives in his offices Mr. Rolf Willy Hansen…
His Excellency the MWL's Secretary General received His Eminence the Lebanese Mufti and scholars visiting…
HE the MWL received in his office in Riyadh HE the VP of the Comoros Islands and discussed the MWL’s support…