Islam is a religion of peace. The Muslim World League strives to achieve a more tolerant & peaceful world by promoting cooperation among communities.
The Muslim World League supports medical programs around the world, such as the cataract treatment program at the Dakar Hospital in Senegal. The initiative has benefited hundreds of patients…
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa led a delegation to the Srebrenica Memorial Center earlier this year: "This place is a site of sorrow but also resolve for the Muslim world. It reminds us what the forces of…
Did You Know that the Charter of Makkah offers Muslims around the world guidance on the principles that speak to the true meaning of Islam?
ICYMI Read the latest from MWL Secretary General HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa in the detroitnews
Mr. Levrak, special advisor to HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa, and UPEACEP uyana Fernandezagreed to research the UNESCO Int'l Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures to expand on the…
A day after International Literacy Day, the UN recognizes the International Day to Protect Education from Attack. In the face of the COVID19 pandemic, the MWL stepped up efforts to protect …
On International Literacy Day, the Muslim World League reaffirms its commitment to investing resources to help combat illiteracy in countries around the world through the COVID19 pandemic…
The MWL has offered critical support to countries around the world to facilitate the fight against the COVID19 pandemic, including by providing medical supplies & food aid.
The Secretary General of the Muslim World Leauge HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa signed an agreement with the OIC_OCI
to work jointly to confront extremism and support the values …
Covering both social and legal issues, the Sunnah is the body of traditional customs & practices of the Islamic community.
Read the latest from HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa, Secretary General of the Muslim World League detroitnews
"Islam is not partisan. It does not take electoral sides, favor candidates or…
Last year, the MWL provided education, shelter, food and clothing support to 1,000+ orphans in Ghana.
"Every individual – no matter what religion they follow - must use his or her heart and mind to cast a ballot for the candidate they most believe in." Read more from HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa…
The Muslim World League advocates for a world filled with positive, civilized partnerships that facilitate effective interaction & problem solving.