Since taking over the MWL, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa has fought the forces of hatred & violence w/ a multi-pronged approach that includes building education programs around the world, and…
Elan S. Carr, US Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism: "HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa has chosen to build a future of tolerance and of affection. He's making an impact every single day by…
"We must have the courage of our convictions to stand in solidarity with our Muslim friends & partners at a time of increasing intolerance." -Jason Guberman, Exec. Director of American…
Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of Conf_of_Pres on HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa: "We knew from the beginning that he was a special partner who put himself into challenging - and even…
HAPPENING NOW: American Sephardi Federation's Combat Antisemitism Movement honor HE Dr. Mohammad Al-Issa for his efforts in combating Antisemitism and building bridges of understanding between…
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa is committed to countering extremism, building bridges of understanding combating anti-Semitism. Join American Sephard
Combat ASemitism in honoring His…
Tawhid is the central Islamic doctrine that dictates the absolute oneness of God, finding expression in the profession: "There is no God but Allah." DefiningIslam
The Muslim World League recognizes the urgent need to protect our planet promote sustainable practices to create opportunity for future generations. World Environment Day
From Afghanistan and Sri Lanka to Malawi and beyond, the MWL is working daily to provide critical supplies to communities vulnerable to the coronavirus pandemic.
To promote and foster Islamic scholarship, the Muslim World League founded the International Organization for Muslim Scholars in 2003.
In each of its initiatives aimed at combating the scourge of extremism, the MWL recognizes that there is no prosperity, advancement or economy without security; no security with terrorism; and no…
Around the world, the Muslim World League continues to support organizations and communities in need as a result of the coronavirus COVID19 pandemic.
Humanitarian assistance is a key part of the MWL's mandate. In response to the global coronavirus crisis, we have supported countries most in need of assistance through awareness campaigns,…
If people take concrete action, what is possible can be realizable. The MWL's initiatives aim to transform the world by taking action promoting peace, tolerance & moderation.