Under the patronage of the Custodian of 2 Holy Mosques, HRH Prince Khalid Alfaisal inaugurates the Conference Intellectual Trends in Makkah.
HE Dr. Abdulaziz Alsarhan,General Director of the Office of the Muslim World League in Italy meets HE Prof. Claudio Lo Jacon, President of Instituto per I' Oriente Carlo Alfonso Nallino (IPOCAN) (…
His Excellency SG visits in Nouakchott His Eminence erudite Sheikh Hamdun Ould Alttah, Mauritanian scholars league'Head, who gives HE SG some of the books he authored as a gift. Mauritanian…
At Abu Dabi Peace Forum MWL Secretary General said: extremism tickle that national state is virtual, is escape to imagination against Allah’s Sunna.
…Patronized by Mauritanian President, MWL launch, with West Africa Islamic Cultural Alliance, its International Conference on Moderation in Sunnah, attended by academic…
The President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania Mr. Mohammad Ouled Abdulaziz received HE the MWL's SG Friday morning at the Presidential Palace in the Capital Nouakchott.
The Mauritanian Minister of Interior, Mr. Ahmed bin Abdullah, receives His Excellency the Secretary-General of the…
Mauritanian President of the Parliament, Mr. Mohammad Ould Bulbul receiving HE the Secretary General of the Muslim World League. Topics of common interest were discussed.
Mauritanian Prime Minister, Eng. Yahya Bin Hadd Amin receiving HE the Secretary General of the Muslim World League. Topics of common interest were discussed.
Addressing the Global Peace Forum in Abu Dhabi, the SG: (Minorities that don't accept the concept of "positive" nat'l integration has created a dilemma of…
Addressing the Global Peace Forum in Abu Dhabi, the SG: (The religious passion of "Islamic awareness" contributed to the escalation of the campaigns of Islamophobia, and…
Addressing AbuDhabi Peace Enhancement Forum SG, "The absence of rules on enlightened Minorities Fiqh contributed to escalating far right movement campaigns against Muslims. To this we add its…